
Ames Today

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Iowa midterms sees Iowa Agribusiness, PAC in Story County spend the most during Q1


Iowa Agribusiness, PAC spent the most out of in Story County political committees during the first quarter of 2024, according to the Iowa.gov.

It spent $19,700 on 60 vendors during the time period.

The largest expense was to Kara Warme for Iowa, which is based in ZIP Code 50010.

The second largest political spend from a committee operating in a city within Story County during the first quarter of 2024 came from Story County Republican Central Committee. It spent $6,972 during the time period on nine different vendors.

What's known as "dark money," which comes from political non-profits and shell corporations, has greatly increased expenditures and donations in recent elections to record-breaking highs.

Political campaign financial data is often updated, leading to a sometimes incomplete picture of a committee or candidate's finances.

Top Expenditures from Iowa Political Committees based in Story County During Q1
CommitteeExpendituresPaid Vendors
Iowa Agribusiness, PAC$19,70060
Story County Republican Central Committee$6,9729
I-Vet or Iowa Veterinary Political Action Committee Inc., PAC$4,4559
Kara Warme for Story$3,8821
Story County Democratic Central Committee$3,32118
Chitty for Story County Supervisor$2,9831
J Wright for County Supervisor$1,2072
Citizens for Wessel-Kroeschell$6484
Iowans for Ross Wilburn$803
Ames Deserves Better$381
Iowa Professional Fire Fighters, PAC$241
Elect Lucy Martin$211
Faisal for Story County$191